Referral Ripples ~via Steve Harper

Referral Ripples ~via Steve Harper

I met Steve Harper, Mr RippelOn, many years ago via social media. We engaged and interacted remotely for years before meeting f2f last year at SXSW in Austin where he lives and we have upped our Rippling and Returning on Relationship games ever since. This is a great video... referrals are such an intrinsic part of Rippling and Return on Relationship. /Ted

In this candid and thought-provoking video, I delve into a common yet overlooked aspect of professional relationships: acknowledging referrals. Despite countless reminders and discussions on this topic, many still fail to follow through, leaving me pondering why.

Picture this: someone in your network goes out of their way to refer you to a potential opportunity. They vouch for your expertise, invest their time, and advocate on your behalf. It's a gesture of trust and support that deserves recognition, yet it often goes unnoticed.

I share this not to vent frustration or seek validation but to spark reflection among viewers. Have you ever overlooked acknowledging a referral or failed to follow up on its outcome? It's a reminder that reciprocity and appreciation are fundamental in cultivating meaningful connections.

So, as you watch this video, take a moment to reflect on your own interactions. Have you acknowledged the efforts of those who've supported you? Have you reciprocated kindness and gratitude in your professional relationships?

Join me in embracing the power of acknowledgment and reciprocity. Together, let's make a difference—one ripple at a time.

Gap gets its groove back ~via Mark Wills

Gap gets its groove back ~via Mark Wills

The Gift ~via Karen Sales

The Gift ~via Karen Sales